This site is about the AC Cobra replicas / continuation models I have owned.
You can see my other cars at
My current Cobra is a Unique Autocraft Python Cobra. The build quality and engineering on this car far out ways the previous Cobras I've had.
In fact, it made the other Cobras look like Kit Cars in every sense, the Autocraft having a superior chassis, a well thought out design and a quality build by the manufacturer. Much more of a grown up production car feel.
Just as an example, all the fibre glass panels are double skinned, the chassis is much more substantial than it's competitors and the engineering is well, frankly, over-engineered. Very much to my benefit!

I started with a
Gardner Douglas, a beautiful looking car but not great when it came to handling.
Next came the
AK Sportscars Cobra, an Automatic with a quick-shift Hurst shifter. This car has given me a lot of pleasure, it's always been reliable and always attracted a lot of attention.

This site has been created by SteveK.
Use the BlueBall if you have any more information that I could publish here about the fabulous AC Cobra's. Thank you.